Halloween themed communication boards

Here’s a treat from TTMT for AAC Awareness Month!

Cartoon Halloween Pumpkins
October might be a bit scary, but communication doesn’t need to be! As much fun as this time of year can be to dress up in costume, attend parties, or go trick or treating, it may also be stressful for children with communication difficulties. Between the change in routines and often interacting with less familiar communication partners, there are lots of ways in which Halloween could feel unsettling.

If the AAC learners in your life celebrate Halloween, or any other celebration with similar traditions, a communication board might be just what you need to promote a positive experience! These Halloween-themed communication boards are a great visual support that allow a child to point to the symbols/words on the page to communicate with others.

These lightweight and portable visual supports contain a balanced vocabulary to communicate for a variety of reasons. With a core word layout and a phrase-based layout, there is an option to fit each child’s needs. Also includes a assortment of relevant topic-specific vocabulary.

Grab your free downloadable copy for a quick and easy tool to use while going door to door trick or treating or engaging in other Halloween activities!

character holding device with thumbs up

See our other AAC Awareness Month posts and learn:

  1. What is AAC?
  2. QUICK TIPS for supporting AAC learners!
  3. What are the benefits of using AAC?

Additional Resources

cartoon girl holding a device

AacAacawarenessCommunication boardsSlp resourcesSlpeeps

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