Molly using her wego

Molly uses her device to share important family news!

"Childhood apraxia of speech and expressive language impairment has created communication challenges for Molly and her family. With her speech device, she is ready to conquer whatever she puts her mind to - including sharing important family news with everyone she meets!

 "It was exciting to see Molly using her device. It was easy for her to use to express herself as she has a good understanding of language and clear pathways in her brain to build out her thoughts. It was easy for her to remember where things were and to form complete sentences. This is so amazing as her articulation is so limited she could never share so much and be understood by others with her natural voice alone."

- Leslie Masterson (Molly's mom)


Molly requests spaghetti for dinner with her wego A.

Molly and her sister
Molly and her dad
AacAutismPeopleSpeech deviceWegoa

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